Mental Health Stigma: A Community Conversation

Fear of shame can keep people who are suffering from getting the help they need. Learn how to break through the stigma of “mental health issues” and more. In partnership with Klamath Basin Behavioral Health and Klamath County Public Health. (It’s the same presentation on both Friday, March 7th from 10 am to noon and on Sunday, March 9th from 2 pm to 4 pm, so feel free to pick whichever one best fits your schedule.)

Doc Talk with Dr. Decker: Mental Health and Patient Q&A

Sky Lakes family medicine physician Dr. Stewart Decker is back for another jargon-free discussion on health issues! This month will cover tips for maintaining good mental health, plus a town-hall-style “patient Q&A” of general questions. (Also a great time to suggest future Doc Talk topics!) Like our Lay Person Legal presenters, Dr. Decker’s ability to comment on your specific condition is limited.

Freedom From Smoking Support Group

You can quit smoking, and we can help!


Based on the American Lung Association’s course of the same name, you’ll learn how to prep for a “quit day,” and build strategies to stick with your resolve to quit for good!

This group will meet on Thursdays from 2pm to 3:45pm starting Thursday, March 27th. No pre-registration is needed.

Freedom From Smoking Support Group

You can quit smoking, and we can help!


Based on the American Lung Association’s course of the same name, you’ll learn how to prep for a “quit day,” and build strategies to stick with your resolve to quit for good!

This group will meet on Thursdays from 2pm to 3:45pm starting Thursday, March 27th. No pre-registration is needed.

Freedom From Smoking Support Group

You can quit smoking, and we can help!


Based on the American Lung Association’s course of the same name, you’ll learn how to prep for a “quit day,” and build strategies to stick with your resolve to quit for good!

This group will meet on Thursdays from 2pm to 3:45pm starting Thursday, March 27th. No pre-registration is needed.

Freedom From Smoking Support Group

You can quit smoking, and we can help!


Based on the American Lung Association’s course of the same name, you’ll learn how to prep for a “quit day,” and build strategies to stick with your resolve to quit for good!

This group will meet on Thursdays from 2pm to 3:45pm starting Thursday, March 27th. No pre-registration is needed.

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