- Student Resources in Context: For High Schoolers
- InfoTrac Student Edition: For High Schoolers
- Research in Context: For Middle Schoolers
- Opposing Viewpoints In Context: Resources that discuss both sides of controversial issues. Handy for writing pro/con papers!
- US History In Context: Covers the most-studied events, issues, and current information, and provides access to a variety of primary and reference sources.
- Gale Virtual Reference Library: E-Books and Encyclopedias
- GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources): Focuses on the academic study of sustainability and the environment.
- A collection of Web sites that can help teens on a wide range of subjects they may be researching for school assignments.
Book Talk
Materials Online
- Library2Go - Audio Books Online!
Specially for Students OSLIS (Oregon School Library Information System): Bringing information to students around the state.