Your Library Card

Klamath County Library Card

Who can get a card

Any person who lives, works, attends school or pays property taxes in Klamath County is eligible to receive a Klamath County Library card free of charge. Use of a Klamath County Library card is non-transferrable, i.e., can only be used by the person whose name appears on the card. You may apply for a library card at the main library or any of our branch library locations. The cards need to be renewed every 2 years.

How to Get Your Card

To apply you must provide picture identification and have a local mailing address. You will receive your card in the mail a few days after you apply. In certain cases (including temporary residency or lack of a mailing address) a "limited service" card with a 2-item limit and other restrictions may be issued. Please ask for more details at the library's checkout desk.

Note: We are no longer offering online registration for library cards. New patrons must register in person at one of our libraries. If you are unable to visit the library in person due to a medical condition, a disability, or senior non-driver status, please contact our Outreach Department at 541-882-8894 x20 or for assistance.

Junior Library Cards

Children must have a parent's or guardian's signature on their application for the card. If the parent or guardian signs the application in front of library staff, the child's card will have the borrowing limits of a Junior cards (see below).  If the responsible adult does not sign the application in front of library staff, the child will be issued a Limited Service card and only permitted to check out two items.

Borrowing Limits

When you apply for a library card, you may check out up to two items on the same day (excluding video games and equipment kits). Once you receive your card in the mail and bring it to the library, you may borrow up to 31 items.

Adult/Junior library cards: 25 books, 10 DVDs, 10 music CDs, 7 audiobooks, 5 magazines, 2 video games. Additionaly Adult library cards can borrow 1 hotspot and 2 Library of Things kits (with signed user's agreement).

Limited Service Library Cards: 2-item limit. No interlibrary loan requests, video games or Library of Things Kits (this includes electronic equipment).

Digital collections: Checkout limits vary by platform

Placing Holds

You may place a hold (request) for a title at the Main Library Reference Desk (541-882-8894 ext. 18), at any of our branch locations, or online with your library card number and password. You choose your password when applying for a library card. If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it online if your email address is current on your library account. Otherwise, please present your library card and photo ID in-person at a library in order to reset it. Search our Library Catalog to find items and place holds.

The number of holds allowed depends on the format of the item.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan (borrowing an item from a library outside our county system) is available to any library patron with a Klamath County Library card in good standing. New patrons are not allowed to place interlibrary loan requests until they have received their card in the mail and presented it at the library. There is a $0.50 non-refundable search fee per interlibrary loan request. Some items may not be available from any lender. Visit a library or call the Reference Desk at 541-882-8894 ext. 18 to initiate an interlibrary loan request. For status updates or renewals on interlibrary loan requests, call 541-882-8894 ext. 29 or email

Renewing and Returning Your Borrowed Items

Most library items are due in three weeks and may be renewed twice after the initial checkout (2 additional 3-week periods) unless there is a hold request on the item. Items with hold requests may not be renewed. Also note that Library of Things items cannot be renewed, and that some of these kits have shorter lending periods. We are now using an "auto-renewal" feature in our library software. If an item can be renewed, it will be automatically renewed for an additional 3-week period. If there is an email address or text message notification associated with your account, you will be notified of the auto-renewal two days before the original due date. You will also receive a reminder about any other items checked out to you.

Items may be renewed in person, or over the telephone. Items may also be renewed online for those patrons who have placed a password on their account. Please come to your library with photo ID to receive a password. If you already have a password, log in to your library account.

Most library items may be returned to any Klamath County Library location (see list of branches), regardless of where you checked them out. All branches have outside book returns where items may be returned at all hours. Please note that items from the Library of Things may not be returned in book drops.

Library Fees

Items from the Library of Things accrue overdue fees as specified on that page. These items are considered lost and replacement charges are billed after 1 week overdue.

For all other items, replacement charges are billed after 30 days overdue. Most items include a $5 processing fee in addition to the replacement charge. If you have lost or damaged an item, please notify library staff promptly so that we may work with you for the best resolution.

Lost or destroyed library cards may be replaced for $1.25. Please bring your photo ID if you need to replace your library card.

You are responsible for any items checked out to your card. Please notify library staff immediately if your card is lost or stolen.