Outreach Department

Quail Park at Crystal Terrace Honor Collection
Palomino Deli in Beatty
Bill and Elaine Deutschman present a travelogue program at Crystal Terrace.
Books by Mail

The Klamath County Library Outreach Department brings library service into the community to residents who are unable to visit one of our buildings.

Books by Mail

Books by Mail provides materials to residents of Klamath County who are unable to visit the library because of a medical condition, a disability, or senior non-driver status. Participating in the Books by Mail program is completely free and includes longer check-out periods, no overdue fees and no shipping costs. (It also offers you access to all library materials, not just books! "Books By Mail" is just a catchier nickname.)

If you, a friend, or a relative is interested, please complete the application, have a certifying authority sign it and return it to:

Outreach Department
Klamath County Library
126 South 3rd Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

You can also email a scan of the application to outreach@klamathlibrary.org, or fax it to 541-882-6166.


Honor Collections

The Outreach Department has many honor collections that rotate each month to different sites throughout the county.

Each collection has nearly 100 titles of general fiction, westerns, mysteries, nonfiction, romance, and children's books. Each collection also offers books in both regular and large print as well as some audiobooks. All of the books circulate using an honor system, so library cards are not necessary.

After-school programs may have an honor collection of 60 youth books delivered every other month. The books in these collections range from picture books to teen novels.


Retirement and Life Care Communities and Homes

These types of facilities may arrange to have material checked out for their residents on a monthly basis. Please contact our Outreach Department at 541-882-8894 ext. 20 for more information.

Library programs are also available to retirement care and senior facilities in Klamath County.  Examples include book clubs, slide shows, poetry readings, travelogues and opportunities to reminisce. If your facility is interested in hosting a free event, please contact Natalie Snyder at outreach@klamathlibrary.org or (541)882-8894 ext. 20.


Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library

The Oregon State Library administers the Talking Book and Braille Library. Users receive audio and/or Braille books and magazines free through the mail, as well as a free player and catalogs listing new books. Books and magazines are also available for download. Visit the Talking Books page for more information. You may also contact the Klamath County Library Outreach Department (541-882-8894 ext. 20) for information and assistance.