Doc Talk with Dr. Decker: Chronic Pain and Patient Q&A

Sky Lakes family medicine physician Dr. Stewart Decker is back for another jargon-free discussion on health issues! This month will cover coping with chronic pain, plus a town-hall-style “patient Q&A” of general questions. (Also a great time to suggest future Doc Talk topics!) Like our Lay Person Legal presenters, Dr. Decker’s ability to comment on your specific condition is limited.

Foreign Film Night: The Weavers' Songs

Documentary director Ismael Vásquez Bernabé turns his camera on his hometown: the Indigenous community of San Pedro Amuzgos in Oaxaca, Mexico, known as “the town of the spinners.” The Weavers’ Songs focuses on three key figures of the community: a legendary violinist and his son, and the director’s own mother, who is the only one of her sisters who still practices the art of weaving… 

Lay Person Legal: Bankruptcy and Debt Collection

Our latest legal-topics-for-regular-folks seminar covers issues of consumer debt. Learn how you can use bankruptcy to get out from under debt and avoid collection agencies, along with issues you may encounter when dealing with large amounts of debt. (Please note that while our presenter, Karen Oakes, is an attorney specializing in bankruptcy, she is not your attorney and cannot give you specific legal advice.)

Adverse Childhood Experiences Training

The more Adverse Childhood Experiences a person has as a child – events like neglect, abuse, growing up around substance abuse and more – the more likely that person is to have health problems later in life. But there’s good news – the presence of a single caring adult can offset the impact of ACEs. Learn how you can be that caring adult on Wednesday, April 16th from 2 pm to 4 pm. This event is co-sponsored by Klamath County Public Health.

Closure - Easter

All Klamath County libraries will be closed on Sunday, April 20th in observance of Easter. 

No materials will be due on a day that the libraries are closed. For more information, call us at 541-882-8894.

Teen Dungeons & Dragons One-Shot Adventure

Learn to play Dungeons & Dragons with a fun one-session adventure! This event takes place every other Sunday from 2 pm  to 4 pm.

Open to kids from 12-18, no sign up necessary! If you are bringing your own character make sure it is a level three.

Interested in joining a long-term campaign? Head here to sign up as a player or dungeon master.

Call 541-882-8894 or email Jacob at for more information.

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