The History of the Klamath Tribes

The Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin peoples – collectively known today as the Klamath Tribes – have lived on and stewarded the Klamath Basin region since time immemorial. Discuss some of this history in an online Zoom meeting with Perry Chocktoot, Jr., Director of the Klamath Tribes’ Culture and Heritage Department, on Wednesday, January 20th at 2pm.

The presentation will be followed by a brief business meeting of the Friends.

All-Ages Bingo

We'd love to have you join us for some Bingo!

Each BINGO will earn you a Bookie Buck which you can use at the Bookie Joint and all played cards can be turned back in for a drawing even if you did not get a BINGO.

Cards will be available at the Reference Desk in the main library or at your local branch. Please, only one card per participant.

All-Ages Bingo

We'd love to have you join us for some Bingo!

Game play will be via Zoom on:
February 24th at 7 pm
March 13th at 3 pm
March 24th at 7 pm

Each BINGO will earn you a Bookie Buck which you can use at the Bookie Joint and all played cards can be turned back in for a drawing even if you did not get a BINGO.

Cards will be available at the Reference Desk in the main library or at your local branch. Please, only one card per participant.

All-Ages Bingo

We'd love to have you join us for some Bingo!

Game play will be via Zoom on:
February 13th at 3 pm
February 24th at 7 pm
March 13th at 3 pm
March 24th at 7 pm

Each BINGO will earn you a Bookie Buck which you can use at the Bookie Joint and all played cards can be turned back in for a drawing even if you did not get a BINGO.

Cards will be available at the Reference Desk in the main library or at your local branch. Please, only one card per participant.

All-Ages Bingo

One of the Klamath County Library’s favorite yearly events is heading online! Join us for All-Ages Bingo on the second Saturday of the month (January 9th) at 3pm and on the fourth Wednesday of the month (January 27th) at 7pm, from January through March!

All-Ages Bingo

One of the Klamath County Library’s favorite yearly events is heading online! Join us for All-Ages Bingo on the second Saturday of the month (January 9th) at 3pm and on the fourth Wednesday of the month (January 27th) at 7pm, from January through March!

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