Teen Poetry Contest

United States


The downtown Klamath County Library is holding a poetry writing contest for teens in December!

From sonnets to Viking epics to minimalist haiku and rap lyrics, there are lots of ways to express yourself through poetry, and we want to see yours! The winning poet will take home a $20 gift card to a local bookstore, and their work will be featured on the library’s website and Facebook page.

Entries are due by midnight on Friday, December 31st, emailed to smiller@klamathlibrary.org. Please use “Poetry Contest” as the subject line of your email, and include your name, age, and a phone number where you can be reached. Please include your poem in the body of the email itself and not as a file attachment. (Attachments will not be opened.)

The rules and fine print:

  • Participants must be 12 – 18 years old to enter.
  • Limit 1 poem per person.
  • Entries must be received by midnight on Friday, December 31st. Winners will be announced in the first week of January via email, on the Teen Contest webpage at klamathlibrary.org/teencontests and on the library’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KlamathCountyLibrary.
  • Submissions have a 2,000 word maximum, and the poem must have a title.
  • Include your poem in the body of the email itself. Email attachments like Word files will not be opened.
  • No photos or illustrations attached to the work, please.
  • Your submitted poem must be your original work, and not previously published anywhere else.
  • Judges reserve the right to disqualify any work deemed inappropriate or that possess culturally inaccurate and/or negatively stereotypical depictions.

For more information, call 541-882-8894 or visit the downtown library’s Youth Services desk. You can find complete contest rules, as well as the winners of previous teen writing contests, at klamathlibrary.org/teencontests.
