South - How to View an Eclipse

United States

Klamath County is in the pathway for peak viewing of the annular solar eclipse coming up on Saturday, October 14th! Get ready for this striking astronomical event at Klamath County libraries during the first week of October.

We’ll be hosting a series of “How to View an Eclipse” workshops for all ages: Tuesday, October 3rd at 6 pm and Saturday, October 7th at 10 am at the downtown Klamath County Library; and Friday, October 6th at 10 am at the South Suburban Branch Library, 3625 Summers Lane. It’s the same presentation each time, so feel free to choose whichever session best fits your family’s schedule! Weather permitting, the morning sessions on Friday and Saturday will be followed by solar and lunar viewing through telescopes operated by local amateur astronomers.

We’ll cover how eclipses happen, how to observe them without damaging your eyes (this annular eclipse will not be safe to view directly without a proper filter), and the best times and places to catch the spectacle. The eclipse will begin after 8am on Saturday, October 14th, with annularity (the so-called “ring of fire” when the Moon is directly in front of the sun) lasting for a few minutes around 9:20am. (The exact times of eclipse events depend on your location; learn more at the workshops!)

We’ll also have free eclipse glasses to give away at the workshops and branch libraries, while supplies last. (Depending on demand, we may also have glasses available at the staff desks at the downtown library in the week leading up to the eclipse – but if you want to be sure to get a pair, come to one of the workshops!) Eclipse glasses funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through a grant to the Space Science Institute.

No registration is necessary. For more information, call us at 541-882-8894 or stop by your local library.
