POSTPONED TO JULY: Time Travel Tuesday with the SCA: Sew Like a Viking!

United States

This event is postponed until Tuesday, July 25th at 5 pm. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Visit the downtown Klamath County Library for monthly hands-on workshops with medieval history buffs from the Society for Creative Anachronism! Join us for “Time Travel Tuesdays” on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5pm.

We’ll be meeting on Tuesday, June 27th to learn how to sew like a Viking! Scandinavian cultures created their clothes with a variety of sewing and embroidery techniques, embellishing garments and trim with elaborate patterns drawn from their environment.

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a group, founded in California in the 1960s, where fans of pre-17th century eras gather to dress in period clothing, feast, dance, and even swordfight as they examine the “what ifs” of history. And this is hands-on history; if it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, chances are there’s someone in the SCA trying to do it themselves!  The organization today boasts more than 30,000 members all over the world. For more about the SCA, visit their website at, or visit the regional website for southern, central, and eastern Oregon at

For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
