National Poetry Month Poetry Reading with Spoken Word

United States

Celebrate National Poetry Month with local poetry group Spoken Word! Members will perform portions of their work at the downtown Klamath County Library on Sunday, April 16th at 2 pm.

You may recognize Spoken Word from their previous poetry events at the library. They’re passionate about raising awareness about the rich history of poetry and poets in Klamath County. Poems are a way for us to pause, to think and be connected to each other, our families, our place and our world. The group recently published Basin Bards: Poems by 44 Klamath Poets, an anthology of contributions from poets across the Klamath Basin.

(Aspiring writers are also welcome at the downtown library’s Adult Writers Group, which meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 2 pm to 3 pm.)

For more information, contact the library at 541-882-8894. For more about Spoken Word, email them at
