Garden Clubs Flower Show

United States


The Klamath District Garden Clubs are declaring “Children and Our Future” with their annual flower show! Stop by the downtown Klamath County Library on Friday, May 6th from 10 am to 4:30 pm and on Saturday, May 7th from 10 am to 4:30 pm and check out some exuberant floral arrangements celebrating children and the joy of gardening.

This competition is open to all ages, with entrants under 18 judged separately from adults. The first division is a horticultural show of flowers, bulbs, and other garden highlights. The second division will award prizes to floral arrangements based on line of focus, incorporating lighting into the design and other elements.

Entries for both categories must be received at the library between 10 am and 11 am on Friday, May 6th. Space is limited for the design category, and entrants must reserve a slot in advance by contacting Clidia Gibson at by Tuesday, May 3rd at noon.

For complete flower show rules, contact show chair Jaye Weiss at 541-891-5411 or
