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February holds a special place in the hearts of Klamath Basin birders! We marvel at local bird activity: bald eagles building their nests, migratory birds making their way north with the coming spring, and much more.
The Klamath Basin Audubon Society (KBAS) is bringing a week of events for bird lovers to the downtown Klamath County Library! Check these out:
- Throughout February – Kids/Teens Coloring Event. Pick up a coloring page at the library! We’ll have them on display throughout the month, and at the end of February we’ll randomly select three lucky colorists (one under 6 years old, one ages 7-12, and one ages 13-18) to receive some awesome bird-related prizes!
Thursday, February 13th at 5:30 pm – Documentary & Discussion: Flyways. This PBS Nature documentary follows migratory shorebirds, who make astonishing journeys between the Arctic and southern hemisphere with the seasons. (They can fly for days at a stretch without stopping for food or water!) The film is unrated and runs for 53 minutes.
Saturday, February 15th from 10am to noon – All-Ages Bird Feeder Craft. Make a sweet treat to share with local birds! Stop by any time between 10 am and noon.
- Sunday, February 16th at 2pm – Intro to Citizen Science Activities & Apps. You can contribute to bird research from your own backyard! Learn how to use platforms like eBird to track your sightings, how to use your cell phone and the Merlin Bird ID app to identify birds you can hear but can’t see, how to participate in annual bird-counting projects and more!
The KBAS is hosting other events of interest that week, as well:
- Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30pm: KBAS General Meeting at the Favell Museum, 125 W. Main Street. The evening’s presentation topic is the Short-Eared Owl.
- Friday, February 14th at noon: Bird Walk. Meet up at the Discover Klamath Welcome Center, 205 Riverside Drive Dress for the weather and bring water and snacks. The whole walk will take a couple of hours, but participants are welcome to join for as much or as little as they wish. We’ll have some binoculars to share, but bring yours if you have some! For more information, contact Wes Stone at 541-591-5694. (If you need a barrier-free outing, see below for the Laid-Back Bird Walk.)
- Saturday, February 15th at 3pm: Short-Eared Owl Sighting Field Trip. Meet up by the locomotive in Veterans Park to organize into carpools. These owls are often active around sunset, and large numbers have been reported recently, so we’ll go to the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge to try to find this unique and elusive species. Contact Kevin Spencer at rriparia@charter.net for more info.
- Sunday, February 16th at 10am: Laid-Back Bird Walk. Meet up by the locomotive in Veterans Park. Come discover your bird neighbors! Dress for the weather and bring water and snacks. The whole walk will take a couple of hours, but participants are welcome to join for as much or as little as they wish. Weather permitting, the route of this trip is barrier-free. Bring binoculars, or binoculars will be available to borrow. Contact Wes Stone at 541-591-5694 for more information.