Astronomy at Home

United States

You don’t need a telescope to search the night skies! Learn all about how you can use binoculars, mobile device apps and your good ol’ eyesight to explore astronomy with Astronomy at Home on Thursday, September 16th at 6pm at the downtown Klamath County Library.

Astronomer Courtleigh Cannick will show how the whole family can gather and use tools for home astronomy and basic astrophotography, including how amateur “citizen scientists” like you can contribute to our scientific understanding of the stars. (And he knows a few things about citizen science – he was an early developer of UC Berkeley’s SETI@Home, which uses ordinary home computers to search for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and Stardust@Home, which organizes volunteers from around the world to virtually analyze debris left by the comet Wild 2.)

Cannick is an astronomy instructor at Klamath Community College, and his academic achievements include undergraduate study was in physics at California State University at Dominguez Hills, graduate work in Geographic Information System mapping and satellite remote sensing at San Francisco State University. He lectured in Space Science at the California Science Center and on Astronomy at Griffith Observatory, working with science luminaries such as Carl Sagan and Jacques Cousteau and co-taught a course in Cosmology at UCLA.

No registration is necessary. For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
