Get ready for Election 2016 with these books!

Submitted by apayne on Mon, 04/11/2016 - 10:47

National politics are on most of our minds this year
as we head toward a presidential election.
Looking for more information? Try one of these!


by Cory Booker

Hard Choices 
by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Stealing America 
by Dinesh D'Souza

The Deep State 
by Mike Lofgren

A Fighting Chance 
by Elizabeth Warren

Let the People Rule 
by Geoffrey Cowan

Dark Money
by Jane Mayer

A Time for Truth 
by Ted Cruz


American Dreams 
by Marco Rubio

Crippled America 
by Donald Trump

Retaking America 
by Nick Adams

Outsider in the White House 
by Bernie Sanders

Why the Right Went Wrong 
by E.J. Dionne, Jr.

The Republic of Spin 
by David Greenberg