Save the Bees with the Klamath Basin Beekeepers

United States

Hobbyist and professional beekeepers play an important role in agriculture, from supporting pollination to gently escorting swarms out of places where they’re not wanted. Meet Lorena Corzatt, president of the Klamath Basin Beekeepers Association, and learn more about what they do in an in-person event at the downtown library on Wednesday, September 21st at 2 pm.

Founded in 2008, the KBBA started as a way for budding beekeepers to learn more about the practice, and to share tips on keeping and managing their bees. Today the organization boasts over 100 members in both Oregon and California, hailing from Klamath, Lake, Modoc and Siskiyou counties. They offer free bee removal if you discover a swarm clustered in a buzzing blob on a tree limb or other outdoor object near you. You can find more about them at

The presentation will be followed by a brief business meeting of the Friends.

For more about how you can become a Friend of the Klamath County Library, visit The organization is currently looking for members to join their executive board. For more information, email
