Lay Person Legal: Tenants' Rights in Oregon

United States

This event is a rescheduling of May's Lay Person Legal event.

On Tuesday, June 18th at 6 pm, the downtown Klamath County Library will host the latest in the “Lay Person Legal” seminar series: a guide to your rights as a renter – or your responsibilities as a landlord – in Oregon.

Attendees will get a better appreciation of how the legal system works, particularly if they are attempting to navigate the courts without a lawyer.

Presenter Drew Hartnett is an attorney with Legal Aid Services of Oregon, practicing, among other areas, in the field of Landlord/Tenant law, focusing on protecting tenant rights and maintaining safe, habitable and available housing in the Klamath and Lake County communities.  Hartnett is licensed in Oregon, where he makes his home.

This seminar series is a partnership between the downtown Klamath County Library, the Loyd De Lap Law Library, the Klamath County Bar Association and Legal Aid Services of Oregon. Please note that Lay Person Legal presenters cannot give individual legal advice on any specific case.

No registration is required. For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
