Kingsley Firing Range Cleanup Public Meeting

United States


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is inviting public comment from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, February 1st at the downtown Klamath County Library, soliciting opinions on their plans to wrap up the cleanup investigation at the former Kingsley Firing Range Annex.

The Annex, located about three miles northeast of Klamath Falls, was used during World War II as a training facility for military personnel to practice small arms and rocket fire. Efforts to clean up debris on the site and remediate possible contamination and explosive hazards have been ongoing since 2003. The Corps has removed 360,000 cubic yards of contaminated materials from the site, and has been investigating other possible hazards since 2019.

Based on the Corps’ findings from that 2019 study, they’re proposing that no further action is required for the former firing range, but no final decision has been made and that they will consider any public comment in what happens (or doesn’t happen) next.

If you can’t make it to the February 1st event at the library, you can also submit your thoughts via mail, postmarked no later than Thursday, February 16, 2023, to the following address:

Seattle District, Corps of Engineers – PMM – E,
Attn: Ember Korver
4735 East Marginal Way South, BLDG 1202
Seattle, WA 98134-2388

A copy of the proposed plan is also available at the downtown Klamath County Library.

For more information, call the library at 541-882-8894, or contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Affairs Office at 816-389-2000.
