"I Never Thought Of It That Way" - A Fearlessly Curious Conversation Across Urban and Rural Divides

United States

Join us at the downtown Klamath County Library on Thursday, April 21st at 6pm for a very special livestream event with guests Monica Guzman and Jim Walls in a bridge-building conversation centered around their life experiences working across partisan divides.

This will be both a book and film discussion inspired by Monica Guzman's book "I Never Thought Of It That Way" and Jim Walls' documentary "The Other Side Of The Hill". We will explore Monica's and Jim's experiences with an audience Q&A and small group discussions. (You don't have to have read the book or watched the documentary to join in the discussion, but they're both worth your time.)

This event is sponsored by the Oregon Statewide Alliance and Braver Angels, a national nonprofit dedicated to depolarizing America and bridging partisan divides. For more about them, visit braverangels.org
