The History of the Klamath Tribes

United States

The Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin peoples – collectively known today as the Klamath Tribes – have lived on and stewarded the Klamath Basin region since time immemorial. Discuss some of this history in an online Zoom meeting with Perry Chocktoot, Jr., Director of the Klamath Tribes’ Culture and Heritage Department, on Wednesday, January 20th at 2pm.

The presentation will be followed by a brief business meeting of the Friends.

Chocktoot has practiced traditional Klamath Tribes culture from a young age – hunting, fishing, tanning hides, making arrowheads and gathering medicinal plants as he was taught by his family and tribal elders. He started serving the Klamath Tribes in 2004, becoming the Culture and Heritage director in 2007. His cultural heritage work has led to appearances on the Travel Channel, National Geographic, The History Channel, Oregon Public Broadcasting and in various periodicals such as the Herald and News, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle and the Oregonian.

 “Having the many gifts given to me has allowed me to bless others with these gifts, and led to my interest in cultural resource management,” Chocktoot said. “I work today to educate the general public about tribal interests and work to keep the culture and traditions alive for my people.”

The presentation is free to the public, but registration is required so we can send you the invite to connect via Zoom teleconferencing. For more information and to register, email the Friends at

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