Foreign Film Night: I'm Your Man

United States

A woman is paired up with a humanoid robot devoted to her in the German romantic comedy I’m Your Man, screening at the downtown Klamath County Library on Tuesday, January 10th at 5:30 pm.

Alma, a museum archaeologist struggling for funding, joins a daring new project in exchange for more research money: she’ll spend the next three weeks living with a humanoid robot named “Tom,” who has been specially crafted to be the perfect boyfriend. At first, Alma is extremely hesitant to emotionally engage with Tom – he’s so perfect for her it’s a little creepy. But I’m Your Man shows itself to be more than a cliched rom-com as Alma starts to unpack her emotional baggage, and she and Tom discover what it really means to be human together…

The film is rated R for some sexual content and language, in German with subtitles, and runs for 1 hour, 48 minutes.

For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
