Foreign Film Night: Dhadak

United States

A budding romance is challenged by the strict hierarchy of India’s caste system in the romantic drama Dhadak, screening at the downtown Klamath County Library on Tuesday, May 10th at 5:30 pm.

Dhadak (the Hindi onomatopoeia for a thumping heartbeat) follows Madhu, a young middle-class college student, and his classmate Parthavi, a wealthy young woman from a prominent political family. They develop feelings for each other, but this isn’t a lighthearted tale of star-crossed lovers. Pursuing the relationship makes Madhu a target of beatings and imprisonment by Parthavi’s family, and Parthavi risks being put to death by her own family members for daring to be with someone from a lower caste…

Dhadak is unrated, in Hindi with English subtitles, and runs for 2 hours, 18 minutes.

For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
