Foreign Film Night: Corpus Christi

United States

At what point does a fake identity become just… what you are? Find out as the Klamath County Library screens the Oscar-nominated Polish drama Corpus Christi on Tuesday, October 12th at 5:30 pm!

Inspired by real events, Corpus Christi follows Daniel, who tries to follow his dream of becoming a priest after his release from juvenile detention. When his criminal record prevents him from becoming a member of the clergy, he fakes his way in, convincing a small village that he is an ordained priest. The village loves his unorthodox method of preaching, but Daniel can’t keep up the ruse forever…

Corpus Christi is unrated, in Polish with English subtitles, and runs for 1 hour, 55 minutes.

For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
