Documentary & Discussion: Cutdown: Infant Surgery Without Anesthesia

United States

Join us on Thursday, June 27th at 5:30 pm for the latest in the Klamath County Library’s Documentary & Discussion film series: Cutdown: Infant Surgery Without Anesthesia, a short documentary featuring local author Wendy Patrice Williams.

June 27th is National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day, and Williams will lead a discussion after the film about trauma recovery.  Williams is herself a survivor of surgery without anesthesia as an infant, which was standard medical practice at the time. (The prevailing medical consensus until about 40 years ago was that babies’ nervous systems were too undeveloped to feel pain and did not require painkillers. In 1987, the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Society of Anesthesiologists declared it was unethical to operate on infants without the use of anesthetics.)

You can check out Williams’ memoir of her experiences, Autobiography of a Sea Creature: Healing the Trauma of Infant Surgery, at the downtown Klamath County Library. (Or ask your local branch to have our courier bring it to you.)

Cutdown is unrated and runs for 58 minutes.

For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
