Conservation Photography in the Klamath Basin: A Short History

United States

Since the early 1900s, wildlife photographers have used their images to advocate for conservation of the country’s natural resources, including the creation of the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. Learn how wildlife photography helps folks connect with nature in America’s public lands with an online presentation by park ranger Steve Rooker on Wednesday, September 15th at 2pm.

Rooker, an interpretive park ranger at the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, will discuss the power that photography has had to motivate public officials to set aside land for wildlife conservation, focusing on the conservation history of the Klamath Basin.

The presentation will be followed by a brief business meeting of the Friends.

The presentation is free to the public, but registration is required so we can send you the invite to connect via Zoom teleconferencing. For more information and to register, email the Friends at
