Beekeeping 101

United States

There might be snow still on the ground, but winter is a great time to make plans for your 2023 garden! Learn all about bees and how you can get started in backyard beekeeping on Wednesday, January 11th at 6 pm at the downtown Klamath County Library.

Lorena Corzatt, President of the Klamath Basin Beekeepers, will demonstrate the basics of beekeeping as a hobby, discuss how constructed hives work, ongoing threats to honeybee health (and how you can help mitigate those threats, even if you don’t keep bees yourself).

Corzatt has spent the last eight years beekeeping, with several colonies currently overwintering, and is working on her Journey Level Master Beekeeping Certificate with the state Master Beekeeper Program.

The Klamath Basin Beekeepers Associated started in 2008 as a way for budding beekeepers to learn more about the practice, and to share tips on keeping and managing their bees. Today the organization boasts over 100 members in both Oregon and California, hailing from Klamath, Lake, Modoc and Siskiyou counties. They offer free bee removal if you discover a swarm clustered in a buzzing blob on a tree limb or other outdoor object near you. You can find more about them at

For more information, please call 541-882-8894.
