Adult Writers Group - Author Chat with Pearl Whitfield

United States


The downtown Klamath County Library’s Adult Writers Group is hosting a special guest: author Pearl Whitfield! Join her on Wednesday, May 3rd at 2pm as she shares her experiences in writing and publishing.

Whitfield has been writing, mostly essay and memoir, for much of her life, and self-published her first novel, The Storekeeper: A Tale of Small Town Life, in 2020. “About 25 years ago, I committed to doing The Artist’s Way process,” she says, “which was very helpful in allowing me to write relatively free of my self-critic, and gave me skills for recognizing blocks and releasing them.”

The Adult Writers Group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 2 pm to 3 pm (so the group will also meet on May 17th), and it’s open to anyone who wants to improve their writing skills in a positive environment. No previous writing experience necessary!

We’ll have writing prompts and discussion to get you going, and feel free to bring in something you’re working on to workshop with the group.

And for more writing advice, sign up for a nature writing workshop for adults with author Marina Richie on Saturday, May 20th at 1pm!

For more information, please call 541-882-8894, visit the downtown library’s Information & Reference desk, or email staff host Lia at
